Bobby Joe Blythe is well-known as Bobby Blythe, who is a Karate instructor. He encouraged a black belt member of his class to beat & probably KILL a mentally disabled guy (who claimed to have been trained in karate by Jesus) In 1984.
The incident was captured on camera by Bobby Blythe. Blythe has yet to be charged, and the man’s name is unclear. The victim allegedly forgave Blythe and opted not to seek charges against him.
Watch: Bobby Blythe Karate Dojo Accident Video
According to a thread from a few days ago in the forum, tragic footage of the 13th of December 1984 was made public in 2009.
According to the film, a man was gravely injured by Bobby Blythe, the owner of a dojo in Dumfries and a sixth-degree black belt at the time.
According to the clip, the altercation appears to have started when someone entered the dojo to demonstrate his movements and abilities.
The man with then red 10th-grade belt, Jesus’ disciple, is then introduced sarcastically by Bobby. On the other hand, the video showed Bobby and a few pupils viciously abusing him.
Despite the man’s protests, the attackers continued to strike him until he was knocked out.
The man was booted out of the dojo, according to the video. The entire video was disturbing, and many people were outraged.
What Happened to Bobby Blythe Karate Dojo Incident? Full Story Covered
According to a source, a police officer met with the man who was battered by Bobby Blythe just days after the incident and told him he was a migrant.
In addition, the homeless man went missing for two weeks after being assaulted, according to this thread on the Bobby Blythe Karate Dojo Incident. We have yet to come across his name on any social media platforms.
We learned from a source that Bobby is now residing in Hanford and has decided to retire as a martial arts instructor.
In addition, one of the discussions on the Bobby Blythe Karate Dojo accident topic stated that he was involved in a significant car accident with brain injuries between 2003 and 2011.
To protect the health of our society, we propose that you do not physically or emotionally harm or mistreat another individual.
Bobby Blythe Karate Dojo Incident -All Over Twitter and Reddit
The video went viral on YouTube, with many people asking questions about the owner and expressing their displeasure. Some people stepped forward to provide the victim justice, but they were unsuccessful.
The six-minute video, titled ‘Jesus Taught Me,’ was posted on the YouTube channel bobbyjoeblythe007 with the subtitle. A flurry of inquiries concerning the man shortly after the video was released.
For example, the Justice 4 Kung Fu Guy page on Facebook was created by criminals who haven’t submitted any fresh stuff in a long time.