It is often said that people who do what they want without regard for decency and respect for others will one day be devastated by their transgressions. So is the life of controversial blogger Musa Khawula.
Once the go-to for celebrity gossip and entertainment, Moussa was sidelined because he had just lost his Twitter account. But how did it come about?.
It turns out that Musa’s sharing of a clip of the DJ and radio personality Lulo Cafe taking a shower was too much. This violated Twitter’s terms, and the account and posts were heavily covered.
Twitter moved quickly to delete Musa’s account. But Lulo Cafe is so embarrassing, Pedunda shows up on Twitter with everyone, and almost everyone starts browsing him. He deactivated his account.
According to many South Africans, sharing a video of a bath at Lulo Cafe was a major low point for Musa Khawula and a disservice to the man he exposed naked.
It was pointed out that Lulo Cafe is a gentleman who won’t hurt anyone. So why would anyone want to ruin their life for no reason? Many condemned the person who shared the video with the controversial blogger. but. Others said Musa should be locked up.