The police in Blekinger received several calls on Monday about a video circulating on social media of a young mother who appears to be abusing her three-year-old daughter. The woman was found and arrested during the night on suspicion of aggravated assault.
–She admitted criminal behavior, and as for the headline, I can come back, said SVT’s defense lawyer Markus Segerström.
Another adult is also seen in one of the clips, who was also arrested on suspicion of aggravated assault.
Here you can read more about the mother who allegedly assaulted the pub.
The girl is cared for by social services and is doing well in this situation.
Who filmed and posted the content of the clips is unclear, but it caused backlash, a lot of attention and a police report – which in turn led to the mother’s arrest.
“My heart is broken into a thousand pieces and I will never get those images of children out of my mind. Hell,” one woman wrote.
“I was horrified by what I saw in 1 minute. That girl became nothing in 3 years”
The police appeal: Stop spreading videos of mothers abusing children
The video was and continues to be widely shared on social media and police are now urging everyone to stop sharing it. Doing so is illegal and can be punishable by up to two years in prison, SVT wrote.
Even on social media there is a need to stop sharing.
“Appeal to those of you who continue to share pictures and videos of this abuse. Please stop. She should not be assaulted again and again on social media,” one woman wrote.