Shem Bowman Obituary News: In loving memory of Holbrook man who died in Chevelon Canyon drowning incident.
In June, Joseph City Fire District confirmed the recovery of a male subject who jumped off the Chevelon bridge on Friday, June 3, 2022. The man was later identified as 27-year-old Shem Bowman of Holbrook.
According to reports, Bowman was out paddle boarding with friends and family when he climbed out of the canyon to jump off the bridge. Bowman did not resurface after he jumped into the water.
Words fall short of expressing our grief for your loss, as we mourn with family and friends for this great loss. We are truly sorry to hear of the loss of this promising being. Please accept our condolences and may our prayers help comfort you. Please receive our heartfelt condolences.
Feel free to drop condolences messages and prayers for the family and friends of the deceased as it will go a very long way at this difficult time of theirs.