Netflix has unveiled the teaser trailer for Kanye West’s forthcoming three-part docu-series titled “Jeen-Yuhs.”
Directed by Clarence “Coodie” Simmons and Chike Ozah (a.k.a. Coodie and Chike), “Jeen-yuhs: A Kanye trilogy” promises fans an inside look at West’s journey through the years, “showcasing both his formative days trying to break through and his life today as a global brand and artist.”
“Step inside the journey of Kanye West, over twenty years in the making,” tweeted Netflix on Monday (January 10).
The 70-second teaser trailer opens with West saying he’s been disrespected because Rhymefest said he wasn’t a genius.
“But who are you to call yourself a genius?” Rhymefest fires back at West, who smiles at the camera.
Elsewhere in the trailer Kanye West is seen with Pharrell Williams, and Jay-Z. He also hangs out with his mother and visits his Childhood home in Chicago.
According to Rolling Stone, the documentary will feature behind-the-scenes footages from both Kanye’s failed presidential bid in 2020 and the death of his mother, Donda West, in 2007.
“For any fan or student of music today, this documentary is a must-see event and should be experienced in a movie theater with state-of-the-art sound systems,” said Steve Bunnell, CEO of Iconic Events, who are in charge of distributing the documentary. “Few artists or businessmen have had a greater impact on worldwide popular culture than Kanye West over the last 20 years. jeen-yuhs is a film that offers rare and compelling insight into his world.”
Added co-director Coodie: “Everybody is born with a genius. When god blesses you with a vision and you move with belief in your purpose, you’ll be awakening to the fact that no matter what obstacles you face you will see that vision become reality. Trust god. Period.”
Part-one of the three-part film is scheduled to premiere virtually at the Sundance Film Festival later this month, before hitting theaters across the U.S. on February 10. “Jeen-Yuhs” debuts officially on Netflix February 16.